

Every contractor talks about safety. At RMR Mechanical, safety is more than just talk – it is the highest priority in our company and the one that we spend the most management attention on.

As a professional contractor, we have a disciplined and active safety program – prepared and monitored by certified safety professionals. Our safety staff includes a variety of expertise all focused on keeping employees safe and incident rates at a minimum. OSHA authorized outreach trainers, board certified safety professionals and nationally registered emergency medical technicians are just a few of the main components that define our safety staff. At RMR Mechanical, safety is not just a word or catch phrase, it is ingrained in our culture and way of life.

Our track record is the best indicator of our safety actions:

Lifetime Recordable Incidents Rate 1.55
Lifetime Lost Time Incident Rate 0.37


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Our philosophy about quality is that it is responsibility of everyone who plans, inspects, or carries out the work.

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