Our philosophy about Quality is that it is responsibility of everyone who plans, inspects, or carries out the work – not just the people who have QA/QC in their job title.
Quality is documented through clearly defined Quality Assurance procedures which are in compliance with ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and NBIC (National Board Inspection Code) codes.
We are authorized to perform repair of boilers and pressure vessels (NBIC "R" Stamp), manufacture pressure vessels (ASME "U" Stamp), manufacture and assemble power boilers (ASME "S" Stamp), and authorized to register boilers and pressure vessels with the National Board "NB".
All of our QA/QC people and our field superintendents have a welding background. A database of welder Certification is maintained at our Georgia office. Welder testing is performed on the job site as required with a qualified QC inspector present.
Safety is the highest priority activity in our company and the one that we spend the most management attention on.
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