Boiler Retrofit – Wisconsin

Recovery boiler furnace replacement including four water walls, floor, all related equipment, cascade duct, and annual maintenance on two boilers. Work was completed under budget and two days ahead of schedule.

Gen Bank Replacement – Maine

Recovery boiler generating bank replacement, 2200+ tubes, minimal repairs required in drum holes, completed on time and on budget.

Annual Boiler Outage – Alabama

We performed a recovery boiler annual outage, mostly inspect and repair work with a small capital job included. The same RMR crew has been servicing this mill for several years. The RMR crew works with minimal guidance, side-by-side with mill employees and other contractors to seamlessly complete another outage on schedule.

Boiler Emergency – Arkansas

RMR personnel and equipment were already onsite when the mill turned the boiler over for an emergency repair. Two Dutchmen were installed and the boiler was back in operation within hours.