Does each chemical tank contain the proper chemical matrix and proper inhibitor premixed in a homogeneous mixture before entering the equipment? We will evaluate this! Is an inhibitor check analyzed before the chemical enters the equipment to be cleaned? We will check this! Are the temperatures of the equipment to be cleaned correct before the chemicals are injected? We will check this! We will be "on the job" representing your interests. With thirty-four (34) years of "on the job" experience in pre-operational and operational chemical/mechanical cleaning of process equipment in Paper Mill, Utility, Refinery and Nuclear plants throughout the entire USA. We will represent your interests.
We offer a full range of chemical/mechanical cleaning consulting services tailored to fit the needs of each client.
We will write the scope of work, procedures, chemical requirements, terms and conditions, spill prevention, waste neutralization for each phase of cleaning. We can be in-situ to delineate hands on experience before, during and after the cleaning to allow the unit to get back on line in an expedient manner. We will provide an on-site laptop computer and printer for keeping you up to speed on the progress of each job at any time. We also have a thermal heat gun to monitor temperatures of the equipment being cleaned and make sure concealed drain valves are flowing. We will have a uniformed representative that is easily identified as your representative.
We will present you a written detail log of operation of all cycle of the cleaning, including a safety report at the conclusion of each job.
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